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Notepad on Desk

A 12-week live group coaching programme for busy business owners ready to ditch the busy-trap and build accountability, progress and momentum.

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Doing the Thing Doors are still closed (but not for long!)

Click the button below to join the waitlist and have access to amazing exclusive offers!

  • An exclusive early bird access. By joining the waitlist, you'll be the first to know when enrolment officially opens and will have a chance to secure one of the limited spots 48 hours before general sale.


  • A £100 discount code on the programme. Imagine getting all the incredible benefits of 'Do the Thing' at a price that puts a smile on your face! (The code is available for just 72 Hrs)


  • A complementary 60 minute 1:1 call with me.  This is your exclusive opportunity to have personalised one-on-one support on your most pressing challenges. Whether you're struggling with time stress, mindset blocks or specific productivity hurdles, you'll receive practical insights and strategies that you can apply right away. (This call will be yours even if you decide to not join the programme when the doors open. It’s my way to let you know how committed I am to your growth and success )


But that's not all! 


🎁 Your Special Bonus: Instant access to my ‘Overcome Procrastination’ method.The exact 3-step strategy I share exclusively in my premium programmes. This valuable resource is designed to help you get unstuck and get things done avoiding feeling overwhelmed and will be delivered to your inbox as soon as you join the list!


If you want to finally…

Focus your time and energy on what truly matters 

Be more intentional and impactful 

Step out of push mode and into ease and consistency

Keep reading!

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Work Desk

Through this programme you will:

Unpick your relationship with time and busy-ness, dive deeper and get to the root cause of what holds you back and finally be able to move pass it.

Do more of the right things that move the needle in your life, your business or career, with simplicity and consistency.

Gain momentum and fast track your effectiveness and growth.


Discover how to beat inaction and procrastination and finally take the right steps.

My Intention for you is to help you:

 Start every day knowing exactly what to focus on and what to ignore, getting your profit, impact and joy to go through the roof.


 Hack your consistency so that you’re taking the right actions without feeling constantly scattered and stuck in a start-stop vicious cycle. 


 Feel confident and supported, having solid foundations in place to sustain you now and for the long-term while you reach your dreams and have a rewarding life too.


 Boost your motivation and energy off the charts, helping you to stay on track to achieve your goals.

Doors will open soon.

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"You have helped me start to build my confidence again, think more positively with a 'curious mind', organise my day with myself and my family at the core and also find better balance for all the spinning plates with calm and acceptance. I cannot thank you enough!".


to receive more information about the programme,

(with no commitment).

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Join the waitlist

I'll be in touch with more details soon!

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Hi, I'm Ilaria!


A Life Coach that supports business owners make the most of their time so they can create more of the balance they crave without compromising on their success.

My talent is to help them transform their relationship with time and busy-ness from the inside out so they can expand their energy, focus and actually enjoy their life and hard work.

I’m here to share tried and tasted strategies and mindset shifts that helped myself and so many of my clients to finally make time for what’s really important.

You can count on all of my high energy, inspiration, support and encouragement to get you there too!

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