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Sandy Beach


When I think about what coaching is for me,

the image of the sun reflecting its warm light on the sea comes to my mind.


A mesmerising sparkling light is projected thanks to the connection of the two elements: the sun casting its light on the water and the sea receiving it and reflecting it back,

like a mirror.


Is there and then that the magic happens. It’s natural, simple but powerful and can open your eyes, transform what you see.



Glistening is all about letting your potential, your inner light, shine bright.

That’s what coaching is for me:

embarking together on a journey of self-discovery and learning where I will help you raise your awareness, draw out your strengths, build on your potential and bridge the gap between

where you are now and where you want to be.


The answers you are looking for are already within you.


Together with me, you'll get to them quicker and more effectively, counting on all my support along the way. 

What you can count on when working with me

With me, what you see is what you get.

Who I am, what I do and what I believe in align completely.

 want this for you too.

Being true to yourself means you live and act according to your values.

You give yourself permission to be free from other’s ideas and expectations and do things your way.

You trust yourself and your motivation implicitly.


I deeply value people and relationships. You are a partner.

I see you for who you are and who you can be -even when you don’t know it yet.

With me, you have a safe space where you can feel listened to, understood and be yourself fully- no masks, no filters, no judgement- only unconditional belief in you.

We are in this together and all I want is for you to succeed.

Passion is my fuel and my differentiator.

I strongly believe we all have a strength, a special talent, untapped potential, a light inside of us.

I love helping people find their switch to shine. It’s my WHY, my passion, my purpose.

It translates into savouring the moments, providing and getting deep meaning, raising energy, engagement and infusing inspiration.

Warning: working with me will be contagious!

I am completely there for you, cheering for you, challenging you, showing you the way to

your best self and your fulfilled life.

I take your hand while you learn to tap into your inner sense of direction, pushing through your comfort zone and towards your growth and success.

We stay the course and go the distance – together.

The WHY behind what I do and how I do it is my passion to serve, inspire and make a difference. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I bring authenticity and a wholehearted approach to everything I do. I love to connect- dots, people, stories- and, through my intuition, I do that even beyond words, knowing how to reach the heart of what matters. â €


Intuition is my superpower. As a coach, this allows me to connect with my clients at a deeper level, while helping them to build their self-awareness. 


Trusting my inner voice means I can be present, alert, completely tuned in to facilitate their breakthroughs.

I strongly believe we all have a strength, a special talent, untapped potential, a light inside of us and as a coach I love helping people find their switch to shine... It's my why, my passion, my purpose. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Are we the right fit for each other?

Let’s have a chat to find out!

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