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4 Ways to success proof your life and business in summer

Woman working while on a beach
Woman working at her laptop while on a beach

Summer holidays can be hard on working parents and for years for me they’ve been fuelled by guilt, frustration, stress and constant juggle…

I remember countless occasions where I felt I was always on, trying to squeeze early mornings, late nights and some family time in between.

Stretching myself too thin, trying to be everything for everyone, to only end up feeling exhausted, drained and not in the right headspace to enjoy those pockets of time with my loved ones.

In the last few years, and as part of my own coaching journey, I’ve been working on myself, my mindset and habits and I can say that I made lots of good progress but of course this is a journey that requires you to stay committed and intentional!

So, I thought to share with you four things that I’ve been doing to help me keep my summers stress-free:

I set myself a clear intention.

I find it very helpful to clarify what I want the summer to be about and how I want to show up for myself and the people that are important to me.

This year I’m all about flow and balancing MY wants and needs. I want to be able to recharge and spend time with myself and my loved ones without feeling constantly guilty. But I also want to ensure my business doesn’t stall and that I keep the momentum I’ve worked so hard to create in the last few months.

Take away. Start by asking yourself “what do I want and what I do not want this summer?” and build from there. Journaling on these questions will give you great perspective.

I plan ahead, setting specific non-negotiable and boundaries.

Before school is out, I assess what needs to happen during the summer months, both on a personal and work level, so that I can plan my time and availability accordingly. I get clear on what days/weeks I work, when I completely switch off (or try to at least!), when I need to balance both. Then, I set clear boundaries to help me protect that time and delegate tasks where needed.

Take away. The trick is to make your schedule work for you not against you! Design it with flexibility in mind and share it with the people that need to know about it.

I make time for myself.

A summer schedule can be quite busy, trying to cram work, family, social life and everything in between! To avoid overscheduling and constantly spinning too many plates, I need to ensure I prioritise self-care. I choose activities that nourish me and recharge me, like walking in nature, reading a book, listening or dancing to my favourite songs.

Take away. Having a set of activities you can pick from and go for according to the time you have is a gamechanger! If you need some inspiration, here I share 21 self-care ideas to fit in your busy day.

I cut myself some slack.

In those days where things don’t go as planned and that critic voice inside my head becomes louder, I remind myself that I’m doing the best I can, and that it’s enough. I show myself the same kindness and compassion I’d show to a friend, rather than staying stuck in guilt and judgment. Not always easy but I know it makes a massive difference in the way I move pass challenges.

Take away. Finding ways to boost your mindset daily will help you build resilience and agility and manage your expectations.

With this level of support in mind, I’ve created a free email series, 7 Days of Summer Flow. When you sign up, you receive 7 days of simple, but highly effective, tips and tactics delivered straight to your inbox to help other busy business owners like me jump start their mindset, harmonise their days, and ease their way into summer.

Going from just winging it and hoping to survive the summer break to actually enjoying it and feeling joyfully productive in your own terms, it’s a much better place to be- and one that you can absolutely create for yourself!

I leave you here with a question: "Either you want to completely switch off or balance work and play, what ONE Action could you take now to help you enjoy the summer without the stress or juggle?".

If you’re ready to success proof your summer and have custom help with that, check my 2-week Summer Coaching Accelerator here. We’ll partner together to boost your mindset, harmonise your days and optimise your performance so you can enjoy the summer months without stress and hit the ground running in September.

What do you say?

Let’s make this happen for you!

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