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Back to Work: Your Guide for a Smooth Post-Summer Transition.

As the sun-soaked days are winding down, are you staring at your calendar, wondering how to shift gears from vacation mode back to work mode?

Whether you've been enjoying a break, savouring quality time with loved ones, or simply mixing work and play at a slower pace, getting back into a routine can be testing.

If you’re grappling with re-establishing routines, managing a backlog of tasks, or even simply readjusting your mindset, fear not!

In this blog I’m going to share practical tips to help you navigate this transition with ease.

So, grab your favourite snack and drink (yes, you can still bring that beach vibe to the office!) and let's dive into how to tackle that post-summer transition.

A woman sitting at a white desk meditating

Declutter Your Mind: Put Pen to Paper

If your mind feels like a busy marketplace filled with ideas, tasks and thoughts swirling like a whirlwind, the first step to regain control is to declutter that mental marketplace. Grab a journal and start jotting down everything that's competing for your attention. The simple act of transferring your thoughts onto paper releases their hold on your mind, leaving you clearer and lighter.

Set New Intentions: Welcome change

What do you want to be, do, and have in the new season approaching? Set intentions that resonate with what you really want rather what you think you ‘should’ do. Whether it involves exploring a fresh project, cultivating a healthier routine, or gently shifting your perspective, this is a moment to welcome change.

Craft your vision: Ignite your motivation

What's the game plan for the upcoming months? Time to set the stage for your next chapter. Envision where you want to be by the end of the year. This simple act of visualizing your goals ignites a spark of motivation that can power up your next steps.

Make a Plan: Set Your Priorities

Ready to kickstart your goals? Map out a plan that supports your vision. Start small – identify three top goals that will propel you forward. Break them down into actionable steps and allocate them in your diary. Putting your goals in the spotlight and giving them a timeline, will speed up focused and intentional progress.

Pace Yourself: Embrace the moments

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are your dreams. Make time to pace yourself and embrace moments of stillness. Breathe deeply, take breaks when needed, and step outdoors to soak in fresh air. Even tiny pockets of pause will provide you with a way to recharge. If you need fresh ideas on how to fit micro moment of selfcare in your busy daily schedule, check my free FREE resource Self-Love Shots here. It includes 21 powerful mini self-care activities you can pick and use based on how much time you have.

Nurture Connection: Leverage Accountability

You don’t have to do this alone. Your network really is your net worth. Reach out to your business buddies and share your intentions and goals. Creating an accountability partnership keeps you focused and adds an element of fun to the process. Who said business has to be lonely and serious!?

Be kind: Embrace Self-Compassion

Can you extend the same kindness you’d give to the people you love to yourself? Allow room for adjustment, notice how you feel and honour those feelings.

Your inner compass knows the way and listening to it will make the journey back into your routine a gradual and empowering experience.


If you’ve found these tips helpful and would like further support to reignite your productivity and motivation, hold onto your hat because here comes the exciting part!

Join me in "The September Reboot”, an on-line workshop to help you refocus, realign and put yourself in the best place mentally and emotionally to finish the year on a high.

📅 Save the Date: 13th September 2023 at 19:30 pm BST

📍Where: Zoom (register here)

📣 What: The September Reboot Workshop

In this valued-packed 90-min session, together we will:

🔵 Take a powerful inventory of where you are now and re-evaluate your mindset, beliefs and practices.

🔵 Identify the essential habits that will support you and get you moving in the right direction.

🔵 Learn how to confidently take action and stay committed to make real progress fast.

Let's use that 'back to school' September's vibe to hit the refresh button together!

An advert for the September Reboot Free Workshop

I promise you'll leave with practical actions to implement straight away that will get you closer to that life and business you really want.

Spaces are limited as I usually keep my workshops small and intimate to give you a great experience.

Are you coming!? Click here to secure your spot. I’d love to have you there!

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