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Five powerful ways to transform your goals into results

In my opinion, the new year is filled with so much hype.

“Change this.”

“Be this.”

“Do this.”

“New year. New me.”

Not only can this leave us feeling like we need to reinvent ourselves somehow. But it can also leave us overwhelmed, miserable and as though we’re not enough exactly as we are!

But what if I told you you don’t have to change something about yourself to get results?

What if I told you it’s actually nothing to do with YOU at all?

Instead, it’s everything to do with your mindset and focus.

And once you’ve mastered your mindset and focus, you’ll find your goals become oh-so achievable!

Settle in. Because I’m going to let you in on five powerful secrets that will make a massive difference in how you approach your goals.

These secret ingredients have worked for me and so many of my wonderful clients… and they can absolutely work for you too.

1. Set an Intention

An intention is the guiding force behind your goals and how you want to show up in the world.

So, before listing things you want to do, think about how you want to think, feel, behave, or be perceived.

By setting an intention, you can much more easily align your thoughts and attitudes to what it is you want to achieve.

Here are some questions to help you get started:

  • What/who are you choosing to be?

  • What matters most to you?

  • What words would you like to align yourself with?

Once you’ve got some ideas, come up with a sentence incorporating the essence of what you want to call into your life.

An example could be:

“I intend to create more simplicity in my day”, or “I will find calm and peace of mind through this difficult time”.

Use reminders on your phone, post-it notes or journaling to remain aware of your intentions throughout the day. Or you could share them with someone you trust to help keep yourself accountable.

2. Create a vision

Visualisation is a powerful technique to connect with what you want by using your imagination.

Because once you can really imagine an outcome, it becomes so much easier to envision the steps you need to take to turn that outcome into a reality. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Think of visualisation as a way to train your mind to go after what you want… using all your senses to see opportunities and generate positive outcomes. It can also help boost your motivation and confidence, and increase positive thoughts.

I use it every single day! For example, while I’m in the shower, I spend a few minutes imagining what I want to call into my life. This helps boost my motivation and commitment to my goals. ⠀⠀

When you’re first learning to visualise your goals and dreams, the key is picturing them already being accomplished.

Here are a few of my suggestions to help you on your way:

  • Decide what you want. Be clear on what you want and why.

  • Imagine you’ve already achieved your goal. What are you feeling and experiencing? What are you saying to yourself? Use as much detail as you can.

  • Identify all the steps you’ll take towards your goal. Make the images as vivid and as real as possible.

  • Recall the positive outcome. Use post-it notes, vision boards or drawings to represent it and leave them around the house to remind yourself of what you want to achieve.

For example, if your goal is to exercise daily, imagine yourself with your gym gear on. Envision how the movement feels in your muscles, the rhythm of your breathing, the energy flowing in your body and so on.

3. Think about the impact

Have you ever stopped to consider why you want to achieve the goals you’re setting for yourself? ⠀⠀


Is it something you really want? Or something you think you ‘should’ do?

Understanding why you want what you want and the impact reaching those goals will have on your life can give you clarity. It can also fuel your passion and excitement and help to keep you on track. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Here are some questions that may help you reflect on your ‘Why’:

  • What’s important to you about this goal?

  • What will this goal give you?

  • What difference will achieving this goal make to your life?

4. Take action now!

Taking action is the only way you’re going to achieve your goal. Just talking about it or thinking of doing something won’t get you across that finish line!

And I know it’s easy to put things off because we don’t feel ready or it doesn’t feel like the ‘perfect’ time. But believe me; you just need to get going!

Think about the next steps you can take to get closer to your goal. Once you start, your confidence will increase, and those small achievements along the way with help keep you motivated.

A great tip is to break down your goal into smaller, less-daunting chunks. This way you can manage your actions better and avoid the dreaded overwhelm.

Once you hit your first bite-size goal, you can move on to the next and so on, until you hit your overall goal. ⠀

For example, if your goal is to live a healthier life, that’s a pretty broad aim, isn’t it?

But you could break that down. You could start setting smaller goals around what you eat, how much water you drink, what exercise you do, how often you get moving, etc.…⠀⠀

Much more achievable, right?


Think about reaching your goal as a journey.

  • What’s your starting point?

  • What key actions do you have to take to get there?

  • What does the destination look and feel like?

5. Be agile

How agile are you when it comes to your goals and plans?

Be honest, does the slightest bump in the road make you give up?

If we’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s that life can be unpredictable, and we’ve got to be comfortable with navigating uncertainty and setbacks.

There’s nothing wrong with revisiting (or even reinventing) our goals along the way. That’s just life!

Here are some tips to help you become more agile with your goals:

Focus on what YOU can control

Think about the areas of your personal and professional life you’ve got the most control over. Then put your energy and effort into setting objectives around those. Assess your options and think about what can have the most significant impact on your life right now. You can always go back and revisit other goals in the future. ⠀⠀⠀

Anticipate obstacles and/or disruptions

Take time to reflect on what might stop you from achieving your goals.

Look closely at each obstacle and ask yourself, “What exactly is it that may get in the way?”. And be specific. If it’s time, how much time? If it’s a person, what is it about that person that might get in the way?

Widen your perspective, so the fears and obstacles don’t feel as daunting.

Ask yourself, what’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t take action? But also, what’s the BEST thing that might happen if you do? And what will you do about it?

Let me leave you with this final thought….

With the right mindset and preparation, you WILL get the results you're after.

And all the answers you’re looking for? They’re already within you!

The best part? You don't have to do it alone... I can absolutely help you access those answers, so you can move forward to get the results you want and deserve quicker and more effectively.

So, if you’re ready to work on your exciting goals/projects for the year ahead with intention AND an awesome plan, here’s how I can help you do exactly that…

Check out my Kickstart programme! A 2-week coaching accelerator to help you create a high-impact strategy and a supportive mindset, so you can thrive both personally and professionally.

Or, if you’re looking for longer-term support, let’s grab a coffee and see how we can get you moving towards your goals.

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