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How a simple mindset shift can help you add self-care into your busy schedule

Self-care (noun) – “The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, particularly in times of stress.”

You know how important it is to take care of yourself. But be honest, do you make enough effort to build it into your daily routine?

And there’s no judgment here. We’re all guilty of putting our own feelings and needs on the back burner.

How often do you catch yourself thinking:

“I’m too busy, and there are others I need to put first.”

“It’s too indulgent. It’s a luxury I can’t afford.”

“Isn’t it selfish? I can’t just take time for myself when there’s x, y, and z to be done first.”

“I feel too guilty! There are more important things to focus on. Work, family, chores, kids… the list is endless.”

“I’m exhausted! I’m already so busy, and self-care is just another task to add to my pile.”

“I’d love to do something just for me. But I’m too tired to even bother.”

“I don’t have time! There aren’t enough hours in the day to dedicate any to me.”

But these thoughts are based on beliefs and bias that are holding you back and stopping you from giving yourself what you need.

You DO deserve to carve out precious time to do something just for you.

And the wonderful thing is that once you dial down the external noise, pressure and expectations (even yours!) and get back to basics…you can understand what self-care really means for YOU.

For me, it’s taking care of my mind, body and spirit, and doing things that help me replenish from the inside out.

Self-care doesn’t have to be a whole day in a fancy spa (unless you want it to be!). It can be the small things every day (blocking a set time or sprinkled throughout your day) that help you to relax and recharge.

The beautiful benefits of self-care.

Self-care can improve our overall wellbeing in the following ways:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Boost self-esteem and motivation

  • Improve work-life balance and productivity

  • Improve relationships… with ourselves and others

Putting ourselves last on our list of priorities is not only unproductive in the long run. But it’s also dangerous for our physical and mental health, as it can increase the chances of overwhelm and burnout.

I know you’re thinking, “Where do I even start when I’m constantly on a hamster wheel?!”

What if I told you, you don’t need more TIME to make yourself a priority?

What you DO need is a shift in your mindset and a fresh perspective.

Here’s how…

5 top tips to help you make time for self-care

1. Switch the way you think about self-care

Ask yourself…

How do I want to feel?”

“What intention can I set around my self-care?”

And then put the feelings you want to experience ahead of what you need to do.

2. Recognise your needs and take action

Small, daily actions can have a huge impact and get you one step closer to how you want to feel.

Be realistic. Remove the pressure or expectations. And take action!

If you’re not sure where to start, check out my FREE Self-Care & Personal Needs coaching exercise here.

It’s a simple and effective check-in with yourself, so you can start prioritising YOUR needs.

3. Give yourself permission to stop and recharge

There’s a great saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” and it’s so true!

When you live a busy life, rushing around and prioritising others before yourself, stopping and taking a break may make you feel lazy or guilty.

Switch your perspective and start looking at relaxation as an investment in yourself. When you’re rested, you can connect with people authentically and live your life to the fullest.

For example, something as simple as sitting down with a good book and a cup of tea can be so energising. Allowing you to return to your work or family commitments feeling restored and centred.

4. Stop comparing yourself to others

Instead of feeling ‘less than’ and overwhelmed by what other people are doing or achieving, or trying to conform to the latest trends, focus on what works for YOU.

Stop thinking about what you SHOULD do and focus on what you WANT to do.

Find your own thing!

Self-care is hugely personal. What works for one person may leave someone else feeling edgy or uncomfortable.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I enjoy?

  • What makes ME feel relaxed?

  • What makes ME feel grounded and centred?

5. Manage your expectations

When we set ourselves high expectations and the gap between that and reality is too big, we may feel under even more pressure, anxious or lose motivation.

So, think realistic rather than perfect!

Focus on micro-actions that can be practical and impactful.

If you take just one message away from reading this blog, I’d love for it to be this…

Self-care is not about being perfect. And your idea of self-care doesn’t have to look like somebody else’s.

Stop doing what you THINK you should do and start doing what you KNOW works for you.

Have you downloaded my FREE resource Self-Love Shots yet?

It’s full of inspiration and practical ideas on how to fit self-care into your busy daily schedule.

You can get your copy here.

Remember, you can spend time with yourself and for yourself, even if you have a busy life.

Start small and go from there; even a short amount of time can significantly affect your overall wellbeing!

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