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How to get more done in your day- without getting stressed!

Updated: May 5, 2023

We all feel a little stressed occasionally. It’s absolutely normal!

And in small doses, stress can motivate us to get things done.

But too much stress in our lives can negatively affect not only how much we can achieve but also our emotional wellbeing and our relationships.

One of the most common types of stress I come across in my work is time stress.

Worrying about time can quickly affect the body, making us feel anxious, nervous and agitated.

It can even affect how well we sleep, eat, exercise and socialise.

In a nutshell, time stress can heavily impact our long-term mental health and physical health.

Image representing time like a jigsaw puzzle

Common signs of time stress include:

  • Feeling like you’ve got too much to do and not enough time to do it.

  • Thinking there are never enough hours in the day.

  • Procrastinating and feeling unsure about how to effectively manage your time.

  • Rushing to get to meetings or fulfilling obligations on time.

  • Looking at your to-do list and worrying about how you’re going to tackle it.

If you’re experiencing any or all of these things, you’re certainly not alone. Most of us feel like this from time to time, and it’s ok. You can take back your control!

In this blog, I’d love to share five simple steps to help you reduce your time stress, so you can get more done in your day and feel more fulfilled!

1. Plan powerfully

It doesn’t matter how many to-do lists you write; you’re never going to feel like you’re consistently achieving your goals if you’re concentrating your time and energy in the wrong places.

You need to make time for what matters in your life… the tasks that move you forward towards your goals.

To do this, I recommend you start by planning powerfully! Here’s how to get started…

  • Capture all your tasks in one place, so you have absolute clarity on what you need to achieve. Then ask yourself, what tasks must I definitely get done this week?

  • Decide on one or two things you’ll focus on each day. This will help you create a structured plan for spending your time effectively. By taking on fewer tasks each day, you’ll feel more focused and be able to achieve more in less time. And anything else you can accomplish on top of this? Well, what a wonderful bonus!

2. Forget multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not effective! Research shows that when we switch between tasks, it takes extra time to shift our mental gears, so we actually achieve less, not more!

Focusing on one task at a time is so much more effective. It reduces those horrible feelings of stress and ultimately leads to higher output.

3. Avoid distractions

If you find you’re easily distracted by your emails pinging or your phone ringing, aim to create uninterrupted time to focus on your tasks.

  • Block time aside to check and respond to emails. This could be first thing in the morning and after lunch. Once you’re done, log out of your email system. This way, you aren’t constantly distracted by the sight and sound of emails landing in your inbox.

  • Work in predefined blocks and then take a short break. For example, set a timer for 20 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. It’s incredible how much you can achieve in 20 minutes, yet this short timeframe doesn’t appear daunting or unrealistic!

4. Make yourself a priority

Working hard on your clearly defined tasks isn’t the only thing that makes you effective. Sometimes the most effective thing you can do is do nothing and relax!

Taking care of your emotional wellbeing and honouring your needs is so important. You can’t give what you don’t have, so listen to your body and find quick ways to recharge, boost your energy and create headspace throughout the day.

5. Reflect on your day

Before the day is done, spend 10 minutes reviewing it with these four simple yet powerful questions:

  • What went well today and why?

  • What am I grateful for?

  • What do I need to let go of?

  • What have I learnt?

This is a beautiful way to unpack your day, create a positive routine and set you up for what’s in store tomorrow.

If you're ready to step out of time stress and move toward a more intentional, effective and focused way of life, get in touch.

A phone showing a image of myself encouraging you to get ready to free up your time

This month, I’m offering a complimentary Time Clinic; I've opened 3 x 45 minutes free sessions on a first come, first served basis.

This is for you if you are stuck in time stress and busyness.

Through potent laser coaching, we will

🌟 Identify what’s holding you back.

🌟Shift the way you feel about time.

🌟Align how you spend your time with what’s important to you.

🌟Identify key actions to move forward.

You will leave the session feeling crystal clear and fired up, with powerful quick wins and easy actionable steps you can implement straight away.

If this is something you may benefit from, click here to book yourself in!

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