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How to revisit your goals mid-year and reset your motivation

As we approach the second half of 2023, it’s the perfect time to revisit the goals you set at the start of the year.

Are you still on track, or do you need to hit that motivational reset button?

A hand holding a clear glass marble that is reflecting the sky and landscape behind it.

When did you last make time to notice and reflect?

When was the last time you dedicated some time to look at how you’ve been doing so far in life and business this year… both from a mindset and strategy point of view?

The reality is we’re often so lost in our day-to-day and “busy”, constantly going from one thing to the next, we can easily let weeks and months slide by without adequately assessing the direction we’re heading in.

Especially as business owners. We have to be responsible for so many different functions IN our businesses (marketing, operations, finance, the list goes on!), it’s no wonder we feel we have little or even zero capacity to work ON our business - those all-important “big picture” areas, such as strategy, mindset, goals and ambitions.

If taking a few minutes to pause and reflect on your year so far leaves you

feeling unsettled, that’s absolutely ok! There’s no need to put any pressure on yourself. There’s still plenty of time for adjustments, so you can make 2023 a fabulous one for you and your business!

In fact, there’s no better time to check in with yourself and evaluate the progress you’ve made on your big goals.

Here are 3 simple things you can do today to help you gain some much-needed perspective.

  1. Look back and acknowledge how far you’ve actually come. Even if you feel you’ve had a tough start to the year, there will be moments and achievements to appreciate. So, celebrate those steps you’ve taken and any wins you’ve experienced… no matter how big or small! (This is also a useful little exercise to do any time of the year when you need a boost of motivation).

  2. Revisit your WHY. How will accomplishing your goals benefit you? How will your life differ when you complete x, y, or z? There’s always a why behind the targets we set ourselves. So, reflect and get back in touch with the reasons you set those goals in the first place.

  3. Be honest with yourself. This may not be the easiest thing to do, but noticing what’s wrong can help you understand how to get back on track. Ask yourself… “When was I last feeling inspired and motivated?”, “In what way am I doubting or second-guessing myself?”

An. alarm clock on top of a pink notebook.

Now it’s time to refocus your energy on what’s really important.

Here are some questions to help you:

“What are my 3 biggest priorities for the rest of the year?”

“What could inspire me AND is achievable to get finished this year?”

“What’s the MOST important thing I want to complete?”

The rest of the year will go by in a flash, so what you choose to do NOW will impact your results.

I invite you to block some time in your diary in the next few days to check on your goals, daily behaviours, habits and routines. By doing this, you can understand whether your actions are actually helping you get closer to the vision you hold for your life and your business, or whether they’re holding you back.​​​​​​​​

If working on your Q3 and Q4 goals is hot on your agenda and you want some help and accountability with that, I’ve opened a handful of spaces this month for a Half-Day Coaching Accelerator.

Together we’ll look beyond your immediate needs, both from a mindset and strategy point of view, and map out the best path forward, so you have exactly what you need to thrive in the second part of the year.

Click here for an informal chat over a coffee, and let’s see how we can collaborate to help you achieve the lifestyle and business you desire in the next 6 months!

Or if you're local to London and would love to spend a whole day working on yourself and your business, surrounded by high-vibe people that can support you, cheer for you and share your growth journey, check out my next in-person event, Reset & Uplevel.

Imagine how powerful it would be to have a coach, cheerleader, expert AND an intimate group of like-minded people in your corner?!

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