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Your go-to resources to get more done in your day

Manage Your Day Like a Pro

Get savvy with how you use your time

Focus on what matters and move the needle in your life and business

Create the freedom to do what you love and generate more income

Become more intentional and fully present for who and what matters to you


Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

You wish you could create more hours in your day to do all the things you really want to do, but instead you feel stuck and end up working more hours than you wish to admit.


You feel overwhelmed by your endless to-do list; no matter how much you do, it just keeps expanding.


Your focus and energy are spread thin between too many things, ideas and projects and you don’t seem to make much progress in any of them. 


If any of this resonates with you, wouldn’t it be amazing to take back control of your day and feel a sense of accomplishment?  


Imagine going from being busy all the time doing all the things to be effective and intentional with your time, working on what’s most important and creates impact.

It’s time to stop chasing a never-ending to-do list and feel focused and confident while you take action towards your success.

Introducing  "Plan Like a Pro" Bundle

Your go-to resources to get more done in your day

"Plan Like a Pro" Bundle
"Plan Like a Pro" Bundle
"Plan Like a Pro" Bundle
"Plan Like a Pro" Bundle
Cute Notebooks
"Plan Like a Pro" Bundle-BDF7-940A2D866B46.png
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In the mornings I wake up with the intention to plan my day but always seem to get distracted and then no time left to plan my priorities.

I came across Ilaria and this productivity bundle and immediately thought I need this!.


The tools are simple yet powerful and the advice to just use one system to manage my tasks for home and work was life changing. Before I had my outlook diary, my phone, a to do list on paper- now I use the daily planner and one calendar to mark all my events.


Thank you Ilaria for creating this fabulous offer!




Hi, I'm Ilaria!


A certified Life Coach specialising in self-mastery & personal effectiveness.


I am passionate about helping ambitious  but stuck business owners and executives to take back their time, master themselves, simplify their ways and fast-track their success without the overwhelm!


Here's some of the amazing results that have been achieved through my coaching!

"My coaching sessions with Ilaria have given me clarity on how to best move forward my business and engage my team.  I am now aware of  my strenghts and the areas I can grow.

Ilaria has helped me understand my priorities and make decisions accordingly; she has helped me to believe in myself, face my fears and engage better with my team in our everyday life.  I now value what we have in the most simple way.

I highly recommend her- she is a true professional!"


"Ilaria's coaching has been a real help to me during a time of major transition in my life. She has helped me to redefine my priorities and to improve my time management.

The sessions have helped me to become more aware and see what I want and how to achieve it step by step.

Ilaria was a very good listener who got to the heart of the issue and helped me move forward quickly.

Ilaria’s style of coaching is very gentle, yet very powerful and professional, so I highly recommend her!"


Become more time conscious

Reduce overwhelm

Save couple of hours every week

Create more freedom and joy in your day-to day 

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