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A live masterminding experience for business owners looking to generate incredible momentum in the next 6 months both in their personal life

AND business. 

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22nd June | Central London | 10am-4pm

including breakfast, lunch & snacks!

I know you’ve had enough of…


  • Taking on too much and charging towards hundreds of ideas and goals at once

  • Spinning your wheels around but not making any meaningful progress

  • Dispersing your focus around and diluting your energy

  • Struggling to follow through and ending up disappointed and judging yourself for not delivering on what you want.

So, let’s change this for you!

It’s time to get laser-focused on what’s most important for YOU and will create the biggest impact in your life and business.

Step away from day-to-day distractions and busyness to focus on yourself and what you need right now to achieve your goals in a way that's right for you.

Surround yourself with likeminded passionate business owners committed to be the boldest, bravest version of themselves, just like you.

Give yourself the time and space you need to create a clear roadmap of key actions that will drive you forward and get you the freedom, balance, and fulfillment you want in your life.

Get inspired and fired up by an expansive  group experience you won’t forget!

“I couldn't spend my time in a better way! Ilaria's guided reflection is worth every second! I feel lighter and empowered.”


Let’s make the next 6 months the time you finally…

💫 Take charge of your time, headspace, plans and results,


💫 Call back a sense of meaning and purpose,

💫 Gain personal clarity and inner peace,

💫 Feel confident and solid about your decisions,

💫 Get out of bed every day knowing exactly what to do and feeling excited about it

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This is your opportunity to…

Step back, re-set and save time in the long run as you connect to your vision and make things happen more effectively, guided by expert hands and supported by a small group of ambitious and inspiring entrepreneurs. 


Finally meet other entrepreneurs that like you want to build something extraordinary for their life and are ready to engage in an expansive space that will help them thrive.

What we cover

My intention is to:


 💡Support you in creating a powerful reset that will lead you to shift and uplevel the way you progress towards your goals.


💡Shed a light on how you are currently doing, where you’re focusing your energy and  time and how to identify habits, practices, routine to support you and create a lifestyle aligned to your goals/projects/dreams.


💡Hold space and facilitate thinking, connection, inputs and light bulbs that can open opportunities for growth and propel you forward.

“It’s a great session: engaging ,warm and straight to the point I feel very inspired and energized. Thank you Ilaria!”



Together, we will:

Take a powerful inventory of where you are now and re-evaluate your mindset, beliefs and practices.

Learn how to confidently take action and stay committed to make real progress fast.

Identify the essential habits that will support you and get you moving in the right direction.

Brainstorm practical actions to implement straight away and feel more in control of your life.

This is not a simple mid-year review or goal setting workshop. We’re not just going to focus on WHAT you want to do but HOW, ensuring you identify daily success habits to sustain you, reduce stressors and help you perform better and keep you on track.


It’s a powerful mix of learning, brainstorming, peer accountability and support in a group setting. 


The energy in the room is going to be on a whole other level…you have to experience it to feel it!

“I needed the refocus and connection back to my heart

- thank you Ilaria”



What’s included

 An insightful pre-session questionnaire for you to get started on key reflections and for me to get well aligned and in tune with you, so we are all ready to dive straight in on the day we meet.

 Live masterminding in the beautiful surroundings of The Hoxton Hotel in Southwark, Central London, sitting around the table with a small group of other amazing people.

Breakfast, working lunch, snacks and unlimited coffees and teas.

A 45-min 1:1 follow up call  via Zoom to help you unpack ideas, plans and desires and co-create an actionable plan that will get you moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Reset & Up-level



Pay in Full

Reset & Up-level x2



Every month

Pay in 2 instalments

Upgrade plan



Every month

Live Event + Half Day Intensive

Pay in full

Pay in 2 monthly instalments

Add a Half-day Accelerator Session via Zoom or face to face.

Save £156 when booking the masterminding experience.

£399 instead of £555

Pay in 3 monthly instalments

Book by the 9th June and get a juicy bonus:

2 weeks 1:1 message/voice note support in September! 


A coach in your pocket to help you stay get back in the game after the summer break, stay accountable and  prepare to move towards the end of the year feeling focused, inspired and going after what you want with intention. 

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It’s time to fine tune your intentions and spark your confidence and motivation to finally take action towards what matters to YOU and get results. 


If you need a boost of clarity and motivation and want to seriously step up your game in the second part of the year, this is THE event for you! 


Let’s spend a day together immersed in vibrant and empowering energy. 


You’ll leave with a fire in your belly and a solid plan that will see you thrive in the second half of the year.

Are you in!?

“I really enjoyed the session; is going to really help me be more consistent with work and life goals. I loved the support, the reminders and the way you build people up!”


About Your Host


Ciao! I’m Ilaria,


A Life Coach and Learning & Development Consultant that supports business owners to make the most of their time so they can create more of the balance they crave without compromising on their success.


Before I discovered the power of coaching and became a coach myself, I spent years of my life and career stuck in busy-ness. 

Like many other ambitious high achievers, I have been there, lost, overwhelmed, under the pressure of hard work, long hours, and perfectionism.  I used to wear the word busy as a badge of honour…


 I ended up feeling trapped in quicksand and missing out on what was truly important to me. 


But behind all that busy-ness there was fear…Of losing ground, judgement, expectations…

I had to dig deeper and do some inner work to start breaking free from the busy trap and find myself again.  That was a life changing experience for me.

Since then, I’ve been centering  my work around helping my clients to transform their relationship with time and busy-ness from the inside out so they can expand their energy, focus and actually enjoy their life and hard work.


Through potent coaching, mentoring and training, I’m here to share tried and tasted strategies and mindset shifts that helped myself and so many of my clients to finally make time for what’s really important.

You can count on all of my high energy, inspiration, support and encouragement to get you there too!

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