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Self-Love Shots

Micro self-care practices you can fit in your busy day.


The inspiration you need to start taking small and simple steps that will impact your overall wellbeing

Do you ever catch yourself thinking this?


  • “I don’t have time! There aren’t enough hours in the day to dedicate any to me.”


  • “Isn’t it selfish? I can’t just take time for myself when there are others to consider and so many other things to do first.”


  • “I feel too guilty! There are more important things to focus on. Work, family, chores, kids… the list is endless.”


  • “I’m exhausted! I’m already so busy, and self-care is just another task to add to my pile.”

If your head is nodding to even just one of these statements, then let me show you how to shift the way you look at taking care of yourself


Enter your email address in the box below to access my Self-Love Shots: 21 daily micro self- care practises that you can fit around your busy life


I have curated 2-, 10- or 20-minute powerful mini activities to show yourself some love and care based on how much time you have.

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Thank you! Your Self Care Love Shots are on the way!

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This is going to completely shift the way you think about self-love and self-care and you will finally be able to check-in and connect with yourself no matter how busy you are!


Hey, I'm Ilaria,

A Life Coach that supports business owners and executives make the most of their time so they can create more of the balance they crave without compromising on their success.


My talent is to help them transform their relationship with time and busy-ness from the inside out so they can expand their energy, focus and actually enjoy their life and hard work.


I’m here to share tried and tasted strategies and mindset shifts that helped myself and so many of my clients to finally make time for what’s really important.


You can count on all of my high energy, inspiration, support and encouragement to get you there too!

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