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13th September 2023 | On-line


Hit the ‘refresh’ button on your wellbeing and business practices

Let’s move the clock forward to the end of the year...

In order to feel content and satisfied with your life & business  

come December,

what do you need to do NOW?

If you’re tired of sitting around waiting to feel motivated,

If your current habits and routines are not supporting you,

If you have been thinking about making some changes for a while but

you can't seem to get started,

Let’s hit the reset button together and change the path you're on!

It's time to refocus, realign and put yourself in the best place mentally and emotionally to finish the year on a high. 

I will help you:

  • Take a powerful inventory of where you are now and re-evaluate your mindset, beliefs and practices.

  • Identify the essential habits that will support you and get you moving in the right direction- both in life and business.

  • Learn how to confidently take action and stay committed to make real progress fast. 

This is exactly what you need to feel more prepared and motivated to make the most of what’s left of 2023!


You’ll have practical actions to implement straight away and feel more in control of your life. 


Simply drop your details below to register for the live workshop!

Sign Up for the Live Workshop

You're in!


About Your Host


Ilaria is a certified Life Coach specialising in Self-mastery and Personal Effectiveness. 


Her mission is to support  business owners to make the most of their time and reach the balance and success they want in their life and business without sacrificing their wellbeing or sanity.


She is passionate about helping them master themselves, simplify their ways and fast-track their success- without the overwhelm! 

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