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Success Proof Your Summer!

2-week 1:1 Coaching Accelerator

For the busy business owners that over summer want to slow down to finally enjoy some rest, fun and precious time with their loved ones AND also ensure their business success continues.


You don’t have to sacrifice yourself, your sanity or memory making to keep momentum in your business.

Are you dreading the summer juggle?

If so, you’re probably already letting a few “what if”, “maybe”, “if only” run the show in your head and fill you with worry, guilt and fear.


Do you find yourself thinking something like:

What will happen to my business

if I take too much time off?

What will my clients say?

What will happen

if I keep working?

Will I miss out on

all the fun and special memory making?

How will I cope wanting to do both without the constant guilt?

If this is you, let’s change this narrative once and for all.

You can manage to balance what you WANT and NEED in a way that works for YOU!

If you want to have a great summer, be clear on how to hit the ground running in September AND leave overwhelm, frustration and stress behind, boosting your mindset + creating a plan is the way to go. And with my support is going to feel easier and oh-so doable!


Let’s partner together to see where to focus your effort and energy so that you can make the most of your time, be proactive and get things done without sacrificing your wellbeing, sanity or business performance. 

Success Proof Your Summer!

2-week 1:1 Coaching Accelerator

Give yourself the time and headspace you need to fully focus on yourself and your next steps (instead of moving from one thing to the next, feeling overwhelmed and confused)

Harmonise your diary to ensure you allocate the right time to the areas of your business and life that need your attention right now (instead of trying to juggle everything at once and feeling constantly drained)

Set non-negotiables and boundaries to protect your time and energy (instead of saying yes to everything and everyone...but yourself!)

Prioritise yourself and your needs to boost your wellbeing and productivity (rather than always be at the bottom of your to-do list)

Summer-proof your projects, plans and goals and gain clarity on how to move forward, feeling confident and energised (instead of putting things off and staying stuck in ‘what ifs’ and ‘now is not the right time’…)

Either you want to focus on optimising your schedule, plans and mindset for the summer or you want to focus on planning the next 3 months mindfully and intentionally, through this programme we’ll talk through what’s important to you and your growth and you’ll leave with a clear action plan to start implementing right away.

What we cover:

  • Gain clarity on what matters according to what you value the most.


  • Design a step-by-step roadmap with key actions you can take away and implement easily.  


  • Get organised and plan ahead to relieve most of the stress that is brought about at this time of year.


  • Identify your daily success habits to sustain you, reduce stressors and help you manage yourself and your tasks and responsibilities better. 


  • I'll also share my go-to resources to make the best of your summer without the stress.

“I now feel good about my ability to set and keep the boundaries to protect time for work and for the kids throughout the day. I raved with my friend about how helpful it was to have this session with you and set my mind straight again!”

What you get:

Pre-session questionnaire

For you to get started on key reflections and for me to get well aligned and in tune with you, so we are both ready to dive straight in on the day we meet.

2-week of voice note/email support

Following the session, I'll be available to answer any questions you may have and help you set your plan in motion.

Laser focused bespoke 1:1 coaching

To assess where you are right now, what’s in the way and define a clear pathway to get through the busy summer season.

30 min accountability check in

Within 1 month, I'll check- in to keep you on track, motivated and to reinforce your improved habits and behaviours.


How it works:

Book your Session. 

Simply choose a date/time that works for you and purchase the session through the link provided.

Receive confirmation.

You will receive a confirmation and an invite will be generated automatically. Please make sure to add it to your calendar.

Let's do this!

We'll meet virtually via Zoom on your chosen date/time and you'll leave the session feeling lighter, clear, fired up and with a high impact strategy and a supportive mindset to get yourself moving forward with ease! You will also have direct access to me for a full week via email/voice notes.

Ready to feel re-focused, re-centred and

fired up to take action on your plans and make the most of your time?


Let’s do this, together!

Your investment

£222 – Pay in full

Only 5 spaces available.

Run, don't walk to book yours!

After payment is received, a questionnaire to complete and return prior to the session will be emailed within 48 hrs.

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