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Glistening Coaching
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Coaching & Mentoring 
for women in business 
that want to take their performance and mindset to the next level

Ilaria - Glistening Coaching

Ciao! I'm Ilaria 

A certified Life Coach, specialising in

self-mastery and high performance.

Your go-to expert for navigating the complexities of life and business and bring more YOU in

everything you do 

 I am passionate about partnering with female founders to lead life & business on their terms, without the overwhelm.

My talent is to help them craft their success from within,

getting out of their own way and optimising the way they think, feel and behave  so they can expand their energy, focus and profit

and actually enjoy their life and hard work.

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Ready to up-level your business & life!?

Maybe, right now,  you…


⚡️ Strive to be successful in your business and make the progress you know you are capable of but, instead, you end up going from one thing to the next, frustrated by constant distractions and interruptions (to not mention the time you waste on social media…). So you end up disappointed you can’t focus and questioning if you’re doing enough.


⚡️Wish for more hours in your day to get EVERYTHING done, feeling you haven’t got space in your day or week (or mind!) and like constantly chasing your tail, exhausted from even just trying to fit it all in. 


⚡️Crave for more balance and harmony in your life but, instead, you feel all over the place, unable to juggle work and life the way you want. Missing out on precious time with your loved one AND feeling behind in your business. 


⚡️Want to be fully present for who and what matters to you - including yourself but, instead, you feel like you live on autopilot, always on, always busy, unable to disconnect and switch off. And feeling guilty and/or lazy when you try to. 

If you've been nodding your head even for only one of these points, you're in the right place.

I get it..

The constant juggle, the ever-growing to-do list and the desire for more balance. 


As someone who walks in your shoes, I know the challenges women in business face – the lurking burnout, the inner saboteur, the uncertainty and the longing for a roadmap to success…


Regardless of what you’ve been telling yourself, there’s another way to do life and business and it doesn’t require you to sacrifice yourself, your wellbeing or your sanity!

What if you could finally start doing life & business with less stress and pressure and more joy and accomplishment?


Imagine what could be possible for you…

✨ Starting your day with clarity and focus, boosting both your profits and joy.


✨ Making meaningful progress towards your goals, at your own pace, supercharging your motivation.


✨Consistently taking the right actions, avoiding the start-stop cycle and feeling unstuck.


✨Feeling calm, confident and supported, creating foundations for lasting success and a rewarding life.


It’s all possible for you too and I’m here to show you the way.


My approach combines a unique blend of mindset and strategy work that will allow you to ditch the busy-trap and build accountability, progress and momentum.


With me by your side, you’ll learn how to BE resourceful and intentional, DO more with less, HAVE the balance and fulfilment you desire working through my self- mastery signature framework.


This method is built on the foundations of three core components that drive success:


Awareness (mindset, values, beliefs), Balance (emotional and energetic regulation) Action (habits, behaviours, productivity).


By optimising mindset, time, energy and habits I’ll help you create incredible transformations and build positive, sustainable change.

There are no copy & paste tactics or superficial work with me…

What I do is to help you unlock, release and amplify what’s already within you and follow a thread that will get you to finally do life & business YOUR way.

What I do is about getting you to infuse more of YOU in everything you do.

It works because your rely on experts hand  but also because it brings out the most authentic YOU.

And, deep down, you know it’s time to let that part of you come out and let her guide your way.

Otherwise you wouldn’t feel that niggle…

So, if you're ready to craft your success from within and  design a life and business that align to your aspirations, let's connect. 

“Ilaria really is a wonderful coach. She has a lovely way of making you feel safe to open up and be really honest about where you’re at, without fear of judgement. As a busy small business owner, I am guilty of spending my time looking at ways to constantly push my business forwards. It’s so easy to get distracted with other tasks, but affording myself time out with Ilaria and getting to the root cause of why I hadn’t been achieving my goals, has been so beneficial for me, my business and ultimately my clients. Ilaria seems to have a way of asking the exact questions you to need at the time that you need them! The learnings and personal insights that I’ve had in our sessions have been so valuable for me”. I would definitely recommend Ilaria to anyone who has a goal that they want to achieve. I strongly believe you will not regret making time for this”.



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Ilaria & Vesuvio

About me

I know first-hand how it feels to have this big desire to grow, progress and be successful but struggling to have it all.  


First in my 16-year corporate career in Operations and People Development, then transitioning into running my own business, being time stressed has been a constant throughout my work life. 


Overworking, overdoing, overthinking and striving to create the perfect life and business hit me hard, at the cost of my own wellbeing. Something had to change, and I realised it was me and my approach of focusing so much on the ‘doing’ and not enough on the ‘being’.


My own personal development and coaching journey has been the catalyst for building the inner and outer tools I needed to face life and business on my own terms, stepping into a more evolved and aligned version of myself. The version that was required to bring my big vision into reality.


And having experienced the transformational effects of coaching for myself, I’m determined to show other women in business, like you, that change is possible for them too.  

I want to support you  to glisten, fuelled by my vision to inspire growth and wholehearted transformation.

I want to be for you the person I needed back then, to guide me, support me and showing me that another way was possible. 

I want to you to see that you can be, do and have all you desire with ease. 


Without settling for what you think is expected of you


Without external conditioning


Without  compromising on your health or your sanity.


I was struggling with work/life balance. I was overwhelmed and confused as to why I couldn't get things in order when I was spending a lot of time planning and trying to be organised. I felt very negative, panicked and drained, and knew if I didn't reach out for help I would burn out completely. I had tried to do it on my own for so long and nothing seemed to work. I went from feeling confused, conflicted to relieved, enlightened, positive and grateful. I feel so much more positive and conscious of my thoughts and actions now. My biggest breakthrough was that I must prioritise myself first in order to be the best version of me I can be and then everything else will fall into place. I was even resisting these thoughts but after finding ways to put myself first and feeling the positive effects of that I now truly believe it!”



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What is Coaching?

“Coaching is unlocking people's potential to maximize their own performance.

It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”


John Whitmore

Glistening Coaching
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